Safety Always
In British Columbia, the Workers Compensation Act and Occupation Health and Safety Regulations are administered by WorkSafeBC. At Eagle West, we not only follow but exceed Safety standards for our employees and our customers. Eagle West works to always ensure that we meet and exceed all requirements of the WorkSafeBC, Regulation and Code. Eagle West commits to meeting and exceeding all industry, provincial and federal Health, Safety and Environmental Standards.

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As a business priority, we ensure the health and safety of all workers for Eagle West, and any other workers present at our customers work sites. We remedy any workplace conditions that are hazardous to the health or safety of our workers and ensure that all workers are made aware of all known or reasonably foreseeable health or safety hazards to which they are likely to be exposed to by their work. We ensure that all of our workers are made aware of their rights and duties under the applicable provincial Health, Safety and Environmental Regulation and Code.
We have established occupational health and safety policies and programs in accordance with the regulations. All of our workers have been provided with the necessary information, instruction, training, and supervision necessary to ensure their health and safety and the safety of other workers at the work site.
Safety Memberships
Eagle West is also a member in good standing with the following organizations.